India's biggest film, 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', has another feather in the cap. After holding the all-time record of being the fastest 500 Cr, 1000 Cr, 1500 Cr film, it is now the fastest 1700 Cr film in the history of Indian cinema. Icon Star Allu Arjun's film is a scorching sensation to describe which language is not adequate.
Mythri Movie Makers today said that the HIGHEST GROSSER of Indian cinema for the year 2024 continues to topple records. "Ours is the FASTEST INDIAN FILM EVER to collect 1700 CRORES with a gross of 1705 CRORES WORLDWIDE in 21 days," the production house mentioned on social media.
The other day, the film created a new record in Hindi. Pushpa Raj literally introduced the Rs 700 Cr club to Hindi cinema. The powerful sequel, directed by Sukumar is the first-ever film to collect Rs 700 Cr in Hindi.
The wildfire phenomenon called 'Pushpa 2' has truly become a sensation of sorts everywhere. The film's mass action moments, songs, dances, and dialogues have become a rage.