The rich got their 30 pieces of silver now I will have my 10,000 dollar cash cards.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I preface this with I support Donald Trump in his Lincoln Pie and I support Elon Musk in what he is engaged in for rectifying the government pillaging of Americans. What has to be addressed though is the non representation of the Forgotten Man who is the American Majority. They themselves are the problem as they are rather dull in their self rugged individualism, because their minds do not work in a way to demand their rights and their interests.
What the Lame Cherry is stating as the lone advocate is undoing this Bush Clinton Obama thing, where all of them looted our bank accounts for wars in Iraq, for trade with China, for Obama invasions, and Americans never got one drop of cheap oil, one subsidy to offset the unions being wiped out and not one dollar for all these foreigners displacing Americans from their homes and their need for used vehicles.
In every case, Americans have been told to pay the bill, as corporates use Mexican cheap labor, and the Mexicans burn our gas, eat our food and take our homes. The same with these Indians which are now in vogue like the Chinese. They steal our technology, cut and paste White American work and the corporates get the profit and Americans get low wages and jack shit.
The voice of The Lame Cherry calls out as workers called out in Lincoln's era IN THIS IS GOING TO STOP. Americans are not going to be paying bills for free Niggers then and are not going to be paying bills for free Ganges now.
All of these Obama invaders got a 10,000 dollar cash card with no taxes. It is time when Elon Musk wants his genius Indians to perform jobs in America, that Elon Musk pays 10,000 dollars per head for these visa workers and that money goes directly to Americans as the government has proven it only sends it to some Black Rock hedgefund to make things worse for all of us.
The demand is simple for President Trump and Elon Musk. You want this chit in America for your construction profits for your X profits, well partner, you pay for that by paying every American 10,000 dollars a year in a tax free cash card to make up for all of this. You get something and it is past time that EVERY AMERICAN GETS THEIR SHARE.
There is too much of this chit going on in HAARP now blasting American again with cold to drive up heating prices which again Americans pay the bill for in this weather terrorism.
Exxon says it will mine coin, but use natural gas to fire their powerplants. NO THAT IS AMERICAN GAS so Exxon pays individual Americans tax free a subsidy for using our gas. That is OUR GAS not the governments to give to Exxon. Exxon can use thorium generators and pay Americans for that element too and it will leave our fuel for us in cheap heating prices.
The USDA is full of subsidies. That ends and this time Americans get their subsidies to make up for these decades of Bush41 to Biden46 rapine of our wages and savings. This Goddamn regime owes every American over the past 37 years around a quarter of a million dollars in inflation, denied wages and just because these trillionaire bastards have that kind of money in their accounts.
There is going to be a great leveler in this. These fag hedgers are going to be banned like Black Rock from real estate. That is going to reset prices to where they are. Bill Gates is going to have to sell off all his holdings as is Disney and whoever else is hording land and causing problems for American go have homes and land to work.
Elon Musk with his Gange tech with his X prodigy does not get to make billions more when I can not get a pick up in competing with Mexicans and 10,000 dollar cash cards. Donald Trump Inc. does not get to employ Mexicans and buy Chinaman steel for construction when I can't afford a tractor due to these California computer regulations on fuel emissions. ANYONE WHO USES any foreign labor, is going to be getting a tariff of 10,000 dollars on each tan skin they employ and that money is going to Americans. I do not care if the money is not there entirely as the money was not there for these invaders in Biden cash cards. That is not my problem as an American. Americans are going to get their share as they have been denied too long.
This is going to be the refrain in this. We are going to eat cake because we have cake and are not starving under inflation and interest, while Elon and Donald in this Metro Man Economics get their cake and suddenly gain amnesia on the things they promised Americans to get elected.
Americans are going to be taken care of first. This blog is blessed by God so that what appears here, becomes a national dialogue. Donald Trump handed out checks for COVID that the IRS jacked taxes up and stole back, so Mr. Trump is accomplished at handing out money. All he has to do is mail out free cash cards and then the IRS is not going to be taking anything back.
This will become the refrain from Blacks and Whites and Brown Americans. We come first and we are coming for our money like the others got out of our accounts.
You better get ahead of this Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk as this is going to either move you aside or it is going to propel you a record landslide in votes in 2026 and 2028 to keep you out of jail when your opponents retaliate.