Celebrate Christmas with Mickey Mouse and friends on Disney's Main Street, USA. The annual "Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade" airs Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, at 10 a.m. ET on ABC and Disney+.
Tune in to the festivities for free with a trial from DIRECTV Stream or Fubo. You can also watch live on Disney+. Starting Dec. 26, the parade will also be on Hulu with a free trial or Hulu with the Disney Bundle.
This annual Christmas parade invites viewers everywhere to celebrate the holidays with magical performances, live music, endearing stories and celebrity guests. It will be hosted by Julianne Hough and Alfonso Ribeiro from Walt Disney World in Florida, Disneyland in California, Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point in the Bahamas and Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii.