Fact-checking Fortune: Has Polio Vaccine Saved 20 Million Children From Paralysis?

Fact-checking Fortune: Has Polio Vaccine Saved 20 Million Children From Paralysis?

A Dec. 13 article in Fortune called the polio vaccine "not only safe but also effective" and claimed that "20 million people who would've otherwise been paralyzed by polio are walking today." But how accurate are those statements? And what basic facts critical to a full understanding of polio vaccines did Fortune not share with readers?

A Dec. 13 article in Fortune called the polio vaccine used in the U.S. today "not only safe but also effective."

The article also claimed that because 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio since 1988, according to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, that means "20 million people who would've otherwise been paralyzed by polio are walking today."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) website, in 1988, there were 350,000 reported polio cases worldwide in a global population of 5.1 billion people. If, as the WHO website states, "One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis," that would amount to 1,750 cases of irreversible paralysis linked to polio in 1988.

Using that figure -- 1,750 cases in 1988 -- and factoring in 1.2% annual population growth, the estimated number of cases of irreversible paralysis between 1988 and 2024 would total approximately 80,910 -- not 20 million, as Fortune reported.

Here are four other facts about polio vaccines the Fortune article doesn't address.

1. Polio vaccines used in U.S. don't prevent infection or transmission.

According to Fortune, the polio vaccine is "safe and effective." Here's why that statement oversimplifies the issue of polio vaccines and leads to misleading conclusions.

There are two kinds of polio vaccines used in the world today, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They are the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and the oral polio vaccine (OPV).

The OPV is used for mass vaccination campaigns of children outside the U.S., as was recently done in Gaza. However, the U.S. exclusively uses IPV polio vaccines, according to the CDC.

The IPV products, which are injected, contain an inactivated -- or dead -- poliovirus. According to the CDC, the IPV protects against "severe disease caused by poliovirus" but "does not stop transmission."

According to the Polio Global Eradication Initiative, the IPV also doesn't prevent infection.

Two stand-alone IPV products are licensed in the U.S. by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Both are manufactured by Sanofi. The other five are combination vaccines that target polio plus other illnesses, including diptheria, pertussis and tetanus.

2. Global polio vaccine campaigns can lead to 'vaccine-derived' polio outbreaks.

As its name suggests, the "oral polio" vaccine, or OPV -- used only outside the U.S. -- is delivered orally. The OPV contains a weakened vaccine-virus that activates an immune response in the body, according to the WHO.

Unlike the IPV products used in the U.S., the OPV prevents transmission, according to the CDC and the WHO. However, the weakened vaccine-virus used in the OPV can cause polio variant outbreaks.

The CDC states that the U.S. stopped using OPV "to eliminate the risk of polio variants that can occur with OPV."

According to the WHO, the continued use of the OPV "poses a risk to wiping out the disease" because the weakened vaccine-virus originally contained in the OPV can begin to circulate among people who didn't get the vaccine.

"When this happens," the WHO said, "if it is allowed to circulate for sufficiently long enough time, it may genetically revert to a 'strong' virus, able to cause paralysis, resulting in what is known as circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses."

Vaccine-derived polioviruses were responsible for the recently reported cases of polio in Gaza and the 2022 case reported in New York.

In March 2023, seven children were paralyzed by vaccine-derived polio linked to the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) developed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to health officials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

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