At Jump Festa 2025, Bandai Namco revealed Shinji Hirako, the former Soul Reaper who became head of the Visored, will be playable in Bleach Rebirth of Souls. It's primarily a cinematic trailer, though there is gameplay footage that shows Shinji in different looks based on various points in time in the story. The video also teases the appearance of fellow Visored Hiyori Sarugaki in Bleach Rebirth of Souls.
Things begin with Shinji explaining who he is, while flashbacks hint at his history with Sousuke Aizen. We also see him in his roles as a Soul Reaper and Visored. He meets Ichigo as well, offering to mentor him. The Hiyori cameo comes up at the 1:20 mark of this new Bleach Rebirth of Souls trailer.
Here's the full video. We don't know what his exact moveset will look like yet: