Soon 2024 will be over and done with and you could end up missing out on some money that is owed to you.
New York State's Comptrolers' office has over $19 billion dollars and you have just a week or so to ss if any of that money is yours before the end of the year.
The best part, it is really easy to see if you are owed any money. It takes just three easy steps.
You need to log into the New York State Comptroller's office website and click on unclaimed funds. You can do that by clicking HERE
Click on the "Search Now" button and enter your name or the name of your business
Scroll through the list and find out if New York State owes you any money.
So far in 2024, New York State has given back over $550 million dollars in unclaimed funds to residents.
Unclaimed funds in New York State come from a variety of sources. They include:
Closed Bank accounts that had a balance
Uncollected Insurance policy payouts
Uncashed checks
Refunds that are mailed to the wrong address
Security deposits for telephone, utility, or apartments
The New York State Comptoller's office also send out letters to individuals and businesses who have unclaimed funds. If you get one of those letters you can scare the QR code on the letter or use the code on the letter on the Comptroller's website.
Checks from unclaimed funds are usually processed within two weeks.